May 25, 2012
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Interestingly, the same percentage of Americans who favor marriage equality also favor legalizing medical marijuana. Oh, and Vice President Biden? If you want to step into this and blurt out some words in defense of medical marijuana? Now would be a GREAT time…
13 comments on “Why Joe Biden needs to blurt out a defense of pot!”
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Barry, I wager my left pinky finger against yours that I could be generating $100,000 in free and clear revenue for this county in the course of 5 years- if you would actually do something of use with that office you hold.
you already fucked yourself by starting to explain yourself on how and why you would like to do something. who are you defending your freedoms to and why? why cant you just say, it would be profitable, I think ill do that…
Yeah VP Joe now would be a great time to speak up.
medical marijuana will stimulate the economy but using the now illegal HEMP would be the ONLY TRILLION DOLLAR CROP!
Besides, the US government already patented medicinal marijuana for pain in 2003… google US PATENT #6630507
The “president” already did that. Well, at least he lied about it. And he’s supposedly the president. Stop talking about it, douche, and DO SOMETHING.
“Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth & protection of the country.”
-Thomas Jefferson
“Make the most you can of the Indian Hemp seed and sow it everywhere.”
-George Washington
“We shall, by and by, want a world of hemp more for our own consumption.”
-John Adams
where do I explain myself… just stating the facts, ma’m!
popular mechanics stated in 1937 that hemp is the next ‘billion dollar crop’… now 80 years later it would be a trillion dollar crop.
I rarely post my ‘opinion’… I have done a lot of research on the subjects that I comment on… and wtf does defending my freedoms have to do with what I posted? HA HA HA
I smoke and this thread makes me think why our world is where it is.
by the way nature never said marijuana was MEDICINE! WTF do you have special mother nature hearing powers? no you do not. Its the fact that who is the government or anyone for that matter that thinks they are able to dictate the lives of others. Your a moron.
lol WOW nice bash on libertarians….I can literally put any label before, ” i call them _______ that want to smoke dope and get laid. come loser your making a CNBC show on RT now, don’t keep this super democrat/liberal square persona, it doesn’t fit the network well.
Need Proof Obama is a TRAITOR?
Who did obama get approval from to bomb libya? the UN. Did he ask for congressional approval? No. Does he need to get congressional approval? Yes.
You want to hear it from obama’s mouth, if he needs US approval?
obama: /watch?v=eT0QzdoxZLY
Biden Promised to ‘Impeach’ Bush If He Attacked Iran Without Congressional Approval *as obama attacked libya without congressional approval: /watch?v=E-yIimam5Lg
—REAL News @ RevolutionNews.US
“Why use up the forests which were centuries in the making and the mines which required ages to lay down, if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the hemp fields?” – Henry Ford
“There’s enough alcohol in one year’s yeild of an acre of potatoes to drive the machinery necessary to cultivate the fields for one hundred years.” – Henry Ford