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Tag: marriage

Lynn Cullen Live 7/9/12


July 9, 2012


Pirates pride; Obits: Ernest Borgnine, actor & Dr. Gabriel Nahas, marijuana demonizer; Congressman Barney Frank married boyfriend last weekend; record breaking high temperatures being set this summer; carnivorous plants; microscopic fly larvae eats ants f

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Meghan McCain on Legalizing Marijuana, Gay Marriage and Mitt Romney’s Running Mate


June 18, 2012


Political rebel Meghan McCain tells Wendy Williams why she supports gay marriage and the legalization of marijuana. Plus, Meghan reveals who she thinks Mitt Romney should pick as his running mate and what she really thinks about celebrities endorsing political

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Why Joe Biden needs to blurt out a defense of pot!


May 25, 2012


Interestingly, the same percentage of Americans who favor marriage equality also favor legalizing medical marijuana. Oh, and Vice President Biden? If you want to step into this and blurt out some words in defense of medical marijuana? Now would be a GREAT time

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Marijuana Should Be Legal For Personal Use – Gary Johnson & GOProud Web Q&A – Dec. 1st (2011-12-01)


May 17, 2012


Full Video @ Visit to watch videos related to Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Peter Schiff, Gerald Celente, Adam Kokesh, Alex Jones, John Stossel and more. Marijuana Should Be Legal For Personal Use – Ga

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Gun Rights, Gay Marriage, & Legalized Marijuana


May 14, 2012


I seldom get into political topics on my channel since it is a gun channel and not a political channel, but I get these two questions quite often. Yesterday someone posed them together in a way that related to gun rights so I thought I would finally address th

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National Geographic Marijuana Gold Rush – (Part 1 of 3)


February 10, 2012


Synopsis: Is marijuana the next big emerging industry? Despite the fact that it remains illegal under federal law and in 35 states, the new generation of “ganja-preneurs” are no longer hiding in the shadows. EPISODES writing successful British tele

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National Geographic Marijuana Gold Rush – (Part 2 of 3)


February 10, 2012


Synopsis: Is marijuana the next big emerging industry? Despite the fact that it remains illegal under federal law and in 35 states, the new generation of “ganja-preneurs” are no longer hiding in the shadows. EPISODES writing successful British tele

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Cotys Culture Revolution


November 1, 2011


Culture Revolution Marijuana Prostitution Online Gambling Gay Marriage Porn Sex Drugs

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Damian Ki for 2012


July 30, 2011


This is of course a fictitious ad for a 2012 Presidential Candidate. However the political ideals and such are ones that I hold dear to my heart and mind. I believe that Same Sex Marriage should be legal all across the world. Love is love no matter the gender

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Marijuana Grow Tube