May 17, 2012
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Full Video @ Visit to watch videos related to Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Peter Schiff, Gerald Celente, Adam Kokesh, Alex Jones, John Stossel and more. Marijuana Should Be Legal For Personal Use – Gary Johnson & GOProud Web Q&A – Dec….
3 comments on “Marijuana Should Be Legal For Personal Use – Gary Johnson & GOProud Web Q&A – Dec. 1st (2011-12-01)”
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Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are a couple of Republican a holes. The GOP bankrupted this country and now they want you idiots to go to the polls and put them back in. What the hell is wrong with your thinking?
It isn’t legal? Well! that’s news too me. I’m a sovereign citizen no one or government has the right to tell me were to sit or what to do. This is my life and does not belong to anyone except me. I am that I am. I guess we can expect in the future that sticking foreign objects up our rectums should be illegal, because of the insurance cost in the emergency rooms. I think that Christians should be illegal.
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