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Tag: hartmann

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Ron Paul voters are being actively courted by Obama


July 6, 2012


RT Network’s Thom Hartmann discusses Obama’s recently dropped hints that he may pursue decriminalization or legalization of marijuana if elected to a second term.

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Why Joe Biden needs to blurt out a defense of pot!


May 25, 2012


Interestingly, the same percentage of Americans who favor marriage equality also favor legalizing medical marijuana. Oh, and Vice President Biden? If you want to step into this and blurt out some words in defense of medical marijuana? Now would be a GREAT time

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Thom Hartmann: Could the selling of pot become the next entrepreneurial boom?


May 27, 2011


Congressmen Pete Stark – Jared Polis – and Barney Frank introduced a serious of bills that protect medical marijuana entrepreneurs. The legislation classifies medical marijuana dispensaries as legitimate small businesses and thus able to take advan

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Marijuana Grow Tube