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tokin daily: marijuana vs stress

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in my eyes, one of the keys to a happy life is to keep your stress level in check. marijuana, in all of its forms of delivery, is an awesome force in keeping ones stress levels at a very manageable level.

20 comments on “tokin daily: marijuana vs stress

  1. DrRocksosBitch on

    i couldn’t agree with you more Paul. Its very hard to let the woes of life get you down when you’re blazed. Marijuana was put here to improve our quality of life 🙂 I used to work at a nursing home and smoked up a few of the residents on request. They were so grateful. It helps everyone!!

  2. Jvergakis on

    @caliNYCdoja well yea i also like him for the fact of his views on iraq considering im a vet also his views on taxes but he seems like the only canidate so far who has the best ideas on this drug war take marijuana off the list cause its natural just a plant and use the resources(money) to go after the main drugs that kill americans …ccocaine,meth,heroine etc….america spent 10 billion alone on the fight for marijuana….the lgalization of marijuana would bring in more money

  3. supernewuser on

    Another great show. What you say in relation to stress is much more than anecdotal. There have been tons of studies to back it up. For anybody curious, google “granny storm crow’s list” and the very first link is a perpetually updated list of over 420 pages of links to real studies on the medicinal properties of cannabis on nearly any illness you can think of. To my knowledge it’s the greatest single resource of studies. Enjoy!

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