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AnotherUselessNick emailed me and asked my to view a video, (See the link below) comment, and put up a video in response to it. The video shows a young man in a wheel chair asking Mitt Romney if he (Romney) would have him and his doctor arrested for his use of
The fact that he is not in favour implies he is against the lawful use for medical patients therefore potentially leading to their arrest and imprisonment. Clayton Holton of Granite Staters for Medical Marijuana asks Gov. Mitt Romney if he will have seriously This Video shows the “Bhang” Truth About Marijuana, Pot, Trees, Cannabis, and legalization of weed! See just what Ron Paul, Joe Rogan and others thing about Marijuana! What is Bhang! If you’ve ever had a night where you just
Dr.Ron Paul, while stating the similarities of the Prohibition era and the War on Drugs,reminds that came from the US prohibition of alcohol,
Mike Cann loses it, goes off on the significance of the campaign of Ron Paul for the marijuana legalization movement. With voices of reason, Valerie and Michael “KOP, King of Pot” Malta, John Loftus, and Mike Newman. http faceboo
– Michael Savage makes multiple arguments in opposition to Ron Paul’s candidacy. He begins by grilling Ron Paul’s electability, follows up by slamming Paul’s controversial foreign policy positions, and concludes by destroying the notion
June 17, 1988 NORML
from 12/26/11 to donate
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