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Tag: ontario

Idaho Arrests Highlight Medical Marijuana Divide


August 8, 2013


According to Idaho State Police records, 40% of pot seizures in the state come from medical marijuana from Oregon. The arrests of people on the border between the states highlights the differences in laws between Idaho and Oregon. (July 6)

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CSIS: Canada’s #1 Terror Suspect + Stupid Food Laws + Pharmaceuticals & Health


March 6, 2012


Canada’s spy agency CSIS is using a tactic of surprise workplace visits to intimidate people under investigation to get them to just say whatever CSIS to leave and stop embarrassing them in front of their co-workers. This is just another variation on the

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February 14, 2012


Yes ladies and gentlemen I was unsatisfied with what I had to say the last time around so this is just a further analysis of how not only Ontario, not only Canada, but the whole freaking world should handle cannabis. Now to post some more articles to make this

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Russell Barth Hosting CKCU – Nov. 23, 2011 – Part 7 of 10


November 27, 2011


On Nov. 23, 2011, CKCU let me produce a show for three hours with DJ tic. One guest in Toronto didn’t answer his phone because he was sick. There was a fire alarm. The other guest couldn’t come because of snow, but called in. But we got through, an

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Russell Barth Hosting CKCU – Nov. 23, 2011 – Part 8 of 10


November 27, 2011


On Nov. 23, 2011, CKCU let me produce a show for three hours with DJ tic. One guest in Toronto didn’t answer his phone because he was sick. There was a fire alarm. The other guest couldn’t come because of snow, but called in. But we got through, an

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Russell Barth Hosting CKCU – Nov. 23, 2011 – Part 9 of 10


November 27, 2011


On Nov. 23, 2011, CKCU let me produce a show for three hours with DJ tic. One guest in Toronto didn’t answer his phone because he was sick. There was a fire alarm. The other guest couldn’t come because of snow, but called in. But we got through, an

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Russell Barth Hosting CKCU – Nov. 23, 2011 – Part 10 of 10


November 27, 2011


On Nov. 23, 2011, CKCU let me produce a show for three hours with DJ tic. One guest in Toronto didn’t answer his phone because he was sick. There was a fire alarm. The other guest couldn’t come because of snow, but called in. But we got through, an

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Marijuana Grow Tube