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Tag: conspiracy

Legalizing marijuana will NEVER be the answer


March 9, 2011


PLEASE READ: There are very good reasons on why weed, marijuana, pot should remain outlawed and here is the website i used as a reference: All I am saying is give me ONE very good reason why marijuana should be legal OTHER THAN DRUG CARTELS WILL BE REDUCED AND

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6 Reasons to Legalize Marijuana Cannabis Hemp


March 4, 2011


Daily News @ RevolutionNews.US — Reposted after google (aka NSA) closed our account without warning… probably for uploading CRITICAL NEWS and VIEWS. — “Leave no authority existing not responsible to the people.” —Tho

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Marijuana legalization


February 20, 2011


Some words on marijuana legalization. This issue has bothered me since I smoked it the first time. Why people can smoke all kinds of plants without fearing empresionment but who smoke marijuana must always run from police…?

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11 Year-Old Girl Sent to Criminal Court for Wearing Too Much Perfume in Class, $150 Fine!


February 10, 2011


Daily News @ RevolutionNews.US — (AUSTIN, TX) If you disrupted class or used profanity back in school, you were probably sent to the principal’s office. Today in Texas, more students are being sent to criminal court instead. Last February a stu

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Meet Wikileaker Bradley Manning, New Marijuana Soda, Funny Dog Vids (Part 5/6)


February 3, 2011


( Morning Coffee with Mario Talk Show: It’s crazy out there, so we enlisted Torkwase Fraser as our co-host, and Chat Room Ambassador today (Yeah!). The bummer is the Egypt uprising continues. So today we take a look at President Obama’s speech yest

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Meet Wikileaker Bradley Manning, New Marijuana Soda, Funny Dog Vids (Part 6/6)


February 3, 2011


( Morning Coffee with Mario Talk Show: It’s crazy out there, so we enlisted Torkwase Fraser as our co-host, and Chat Room Ambassador today (Yeah!). The bummer is the Egypt uprising continues. So today we take a look at President Obama’s speech yest

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Marijuana Grow Tube