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Republican Candidate for Congress, Joe Selvaggi, marijuana legalization?

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http “Two Hotheads, Where Activism Happens”,, Saturdays, 3:30pm ET. Republican Candidate for Congress, Joe Selvaggi, where do you stand on marijuana legalization?

2 comments on “Republican Candidate for Congress, Joe Selvaggi, marijuana legalization?

  1. peterpotpie on

    Just another puppet. A vote for Joe, is a vote for ignorance. Let’s just make everything illegal so the children will be safe. Sorry, Joe.

  2. massvocals1 on

    Joe evasiveness shows here … that he another one who can not come to the truth how many years does it take to make a decision ” its not for me ? ” needing more study get over it hes another Un -reliable some magic wand keeping hemp form child ” that is bull shit this guy you should have took apart him and show him for what he is do you give beer to child ? have you ? are so sad that knowing MJ is safest herb known its not a drug if U classified MJ as such quit your job

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