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Next Month Anacortes Officials Will Come Up With Their Own Rules On Medical Marijuana Gardens

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September 20, 2011 KIRO 7 News

11 comments on “Next Month Anacortes Officials Will Come Up With Their Own Rules On Medical Marijuana Gardens

  1. BackToTheBus on

    they’re just scared that the kids ( future slaves to the system ) will get ahold of some good shit and then they will see through the bullshit lies that they’re being taught in “school”.

  2. MaxVonSinister on

    I read an interesting fact the other day. We all know that nobody has ever died from an overdose of marijuana, but did you know that the synthetic THC prescription Marinol has actually killed (at least) 4 people over the past 14 years? How fucked up is that? It’s illegal to grow or possess a naturally-occurring plant that has never killed anyone, but it’s legal to purchase and consume the more lethal man-made alternative… Sometimes I think the majority of people really are literally retarded.

  3. demented669 on

    even if the children found some and touched it and ate some what would happen to them ?

    they would feel good for a bit of time then nothing else !!!

    it’s not a open pit of acid !! it’s a plant and the fear people have for it is insane !

    i can go out and buy house plants that are known to be toxic to pets and small children but there not making a big deal of that on the news !!!

    this reality is UNREAL !!

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