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Tag: russian

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Financial News 8/24/12 – Empire State Building Shooting, Lance Armstrong, Breivik, Legal Marijuana


August 24, 2012


In Breaking News this morning it appears that, a gunman has opened fire at around 9am near the Empire State Building, at 34th street and 5th Avenue, right here in our beloved Manhattan. The information is as of yet inconclusive, but it appears that 2 people ar

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WOW Russian Pot Field of Dreams Big Hemp Cannabis Русская культура марихуаны


August 11, 2012


Aug. 10, 2012 at 11:16 AM MOSCOW~~Police in Moscow said Friday they hacked down nearly 5 acres of marijuana plants in a field in the southeastern part of the city. Officers destroyed some of the most harmless weeds on the planet, it looks like futility watchin

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Financial News Wed Jun 20th 2012 – Greece Coalition, Julian Assange, Marijuana Babies


June 20, 2012


Greece has reached a ruling coalition. The New Democracy party together with the Socialist Pasok party and Democratic Left party, will together take the wheel and hopefully lead Greece out of this mess. Antonis Samaras, the leader of the New Democracy Party is

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13 Bears And Marijuana – Funny Video


September 27, 2011


Russian reporter dies laughing reporting about 13 bears, a dog, vietnamese pig and the raccoon protecting the marijuana field!

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T5 Short Stuff Auto-flower Grow – Day 63


September 16, 2011


The buds are oozing today! Just began flush yesterday on 8 of the 20 plants. A lot more yellowing in the room now, really ugly from the pictures and video but in person you can see the bud in detail, they are covered in trichomes. We will upload a video when i

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White Russian week 7 vertical grow room cannabis


September 15, 2011


Here in week 7 you can see there is pretty good growth, the hairs are just starting to turn brown so were gonna start flushing. Pretty good strain overall, kinda airy but nothing serious. This is a vertical style setup all top feed.

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Indoor grow marijuana


July 27, 2011


Indoor grow , growroom , marijuana weed plants , ganja , White Russian ,ak47 , cheese , jack hearer , lowrider , cannabis , farmer

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Russian rocket fuel day 6


June 22, 2011


Marijuana, russian rocket fuel, plant

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Funny Russian News Anchor Can’t Keep Straight Face RE: BC Pot Marijuana Story – Phil in Vancouver


May 28, 2011


http http British Columbia marijuana farmers using black bears to protect crop Pot growers have come up with a novel answer to protect their marijuana farms — with well-fed bears. Police raiding a marijuana farm near Christina Lake got the surprise of th

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1800watt autoflower grow update #9 1of2


May 20, 2011


Day 50. New 240v light controller. Room now measures 5×12. Tomorrow will be 2400watts! Russian Rocket Fuel and IL Diavlo are being flushed. Will post part 2 of this video when i get my order installed tomorrow.

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Marijuana Grow Tube