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Tag: pcp

no history of being crazy or causing drama


July 17, 2012


although no doubt to justify their behavior my family will try to scrape something up. My dad was ranting about how I only call when I want something (total bullshit unless I was trying to get him to help out my sister angie) and was going on about “Oh s

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Botanical Incense DIABLO-PLATINUM Review+Trip Story


March 7, 2012


DONT GET THIS STUFF CONFUSED WITH REGULAR DIABLO, I TRIED BOTH, AND THEY ARE COMPLETELY 100% DIFFERENT, this is like a planet compared to a wad of dirt, its much greater then regular diablo, alot of people got the shitty diablo thinking it was real, but the re

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DIABLO-PLATINUM Herbal Smoke Review+Trip Story


February 25, 2012


DONT GET THIS STUFF CONFUSED WITH REGULAR DIABLO, I TRIED BOTH, AND THEY ARE COMPLETELY 100% DIFFERENT, this is like a planet compared to a wad of dirt, its much greater then regular diablo, alot of people got the shitty diablo thinking it was real, but the re

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Herbal Smoke Review+My Trip Story on DIABLO-PLATINUM


February 23, 2012


DONT GET THIS STUFF CONFUSED WITH REGULAR DIABLO, I TRIED BOTH, AND THEY ARE COMPLETELY 100% DIFFERENT, this is like a planet compared to a wad of dirt, its much greater then regular diablo, alot of people got the shitty diablo thinking it was real, but the re

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Buy MDPV Fertilizer


March 6, 2011


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Marijuana Grow Tube