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Tag: overdose

Wicked salvia trip


August 9, 2012


Dhfrider takes .5 gram of 20x salvia to the dome and has a crazy trip.

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Alex Jones – Establishment Media Hides Fact That Big Pharma Killed Whitney Houston!


February 14, 2012


February 13th 2012 Singer died after taking a cocktail of anti-depressant drugs. The corporate media tells us it will be “six to eight weeks” before we know for sure how Whitney Houston died . By then they hope nobody will be paying attention, beca

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Alex Jones – Nighlty News: Big Pharma Kills Whitney Houston!


February 14, 2012


February 13th 2012 Singer died after taking a cocktail of anti-depressant drugs. The corporate media tells us it will be “six to eight weeks” before we know for sure how Whitney Houston died . By then they hope nobody will be paying attention, beca

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Nana ♥’s Troubles – Bubbie’s Christmas Day Vlog !! Only on (HD)


December 26, 2011


Hi! This is Nana watch me and my Hubby made Bubbie! It’s Bubbie Biiiiiiiirch!! I LOVE All my FANS and HATERS (This is Real NaNa!) here is the link to our video w/ my Hubby making Bubbie. It’s on my Facebook account and it’s in my Videos! on.f

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[HD] Beat Hazzard: Mt Eden DnB Hektic Harly Harl Remix – Over Dose [HD]


December 24, 2011


This game is absolutely perfect for someone who ever wondered what Drum and Bass or Dubstep would LOOK like. Also a good game to play in the dark or if you wanna trip out. Like, Comment, Subscribe, ENJOY! IGNORE_________________________________________________

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Salvia Trip: Guy takes TWO BONG RIPS… “Scary Trip”


August 15, 2011


If you lol’d!!! Or have smoked Salvia please take time for the following… -Rate, Comment, Favorite, Subscribe, or Show your friends Thanks!!! And more trip videos coming soon!

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Sequestrata coltivazione marijuana a Castellamare di Stabia


April 26, 2011


Perchè non si decidono a legalizzare la coltivazione di una pianta innocua? Si creerebbe economia e si sottrarrebbero profitti alle mafie. La canapa è un ‘ottima fibra, se ne fanno oli, si fanno tessuti, decotto, si può usare per scopi medici..e nessu

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Marijuana Grow Tube