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Legalize Marijuana In Jordan.. Plant the seeds everywhere people EVERYWHERE WHERE THEY CAN BE SEEN.
To hear more please support by clicking the link: Cannabis extract medicine, also known as “hemp oil” when referring to the type pioneered by Rick Simpson, is a concentrated formulation of cannabis that is ingested orally. By eating large quantitie
There is so much phoney activism and charities out there who get lots of donations and help ignoring truth about cannabis (would they have ignored the jews under the nazi regime too?) so many people suffer and die as a direct result of cannabis prohibition out
– This week: Chicago City Council overwhelmingly approves of lowering marijuana possession penalties and the NJ General Assembly approves marijuana decriminalization.
– Artist Will Brennan produced this PSA for NORMLtv! Check out his freestyle in support of ending marijuana prohibition. Thanks for supporting NORML, Will. More information on the artist is available at
kolasativa42’s Webcam Video from March 24, 2012 06:41 AM
June 17, 1988 NORML
– This week in weed: more politicians speak out against the federal crackdown on marijuana and demand rescheduling and the findings of two new cannabis studies.
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