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Tag: natural

Build a grow room and Grow Marijuana all year. 2 stage Indoor system. no addiction to big pharmacy –


December 10, 2011


Why support the pharmaceutics companies (Drug Dealers) when you can grow your own medicine that does the same thing as most of the pills they want to sell to you and get you LEGALLY addicted too Getting a quarter pound every two months! Using nothing but hardw

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”Innocent Marijuana” [THC CURES] 2 of 4


September 30, 2011


”Innocent Marijuana continues it’s series now on THC Tetrahydrocannabinol which is found in cannabinoids in marijuana.” In a study THC cured brain cancer in rats/mice.

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Marijuana Medicine Part 3 of 3


August 28, 2011


Donate to “People Just Like Us” Donations directly to recipient I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

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marijuana vs cigarettes in addiction withdrawl


August 6, 2011


Personally, I don’t have any problems with mj. I’m not at all addicted to it, and though I have smoked for years the most I can say is that may have gottten a little cranky when I wanted some and couldnt have it but that is about it. it wasn’

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Cloned marijuana plants


July 25, 2011


some strains i kept because they came out beautiful last harvest. Enjoy these are 3 weeks in from cuttings

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Cocaine Snorting Obama wants to TAKE AWAY YOUR MEDICAL MARIJUANA!!!


July 19, 2011


I don’t use or condone the abuse of marijuana but don’t see a problem using it for medicinal purposes. However, admitted cocaine snorting and pathological liar Obama claims there is no medicinal value of marijuana. Warmonger, murderer, terrorist an

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Cannabis Oil For Child With With Brain Cancer – Medical Marijuana


June 28, 2011


To call what the Hyde family has been through a “parent’s worst nightmare” sounds like a horrible cliche. But, it’s hard to imagine what else you could call it. Their two-year old son Cash was diagnosed last year with a stage 4 brain tu

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Good Reason to Keep A Natural Medicine illegal, Right Marijuana


April 6, 2011


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NORML Conference, Ottawa U, Mar. 19, 2011 – Part 4 of 14


March 21, 2011


This 14-part series is a recording of the events of the evening of March 19, 2011, at the NORML Canada “Resolving Prohibition” Conference Tour at Ottawa University. In this part, Russell Barth talks about the media and how they report on marijuana

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NORML Conference, Ottawa U, Mar. 19, 2011 – Part 5 of 14


March 21, 2011


This 14-part series is a recording of the events of the evening of March 19, 2011, at the NORML Canada “Resolving Prohibition” Conference Tour at Ottawa University. The event was hosted by Ghaith El-Mohtar Hannibal of the Green Party at Ottawa U, a

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Marijuana Grow Tube