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Tag: monetary

Arizona Medical Marijuana Users VS The Feds


May 16, 2012


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Ron Paul on the news part 1


April 29, 2012


ron paul 2012 mitt romney vs barack obama vs gary johnson libertarian republican democrat party GOP presidential nomination race white house daily show jon stewart delegates maine minnesota iowa texas california weed legalization medial marijuana taxes liberty

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World Government Election Fraud 2012 Part 4


April 28, 2012


Playlist: I work a job and don’t make a lot of money at work. Please be patient for the other parts. I hope to complete this documentary before June 2012. This educational documentary World Government Election Fraud 2012 reveals research about government

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Responding to IG’s marijuana video.


February 17, 2011


For the record i have not used pot since 2000,and i quit hard drugs November 11-95. the face book page for bill 1550,most people just use it to connect to their Representatives my video on house bill 1550 the h8red42 page IG vid in case he doesent accept this

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Marijuana Grow Tube