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California Bans Medical Marijuana


July 26, 2012


July 25th, 2012 California began banning Marijuana

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Fat Outdoor Medical Marijuana Plants


June 9, 2012


These are the same Medical Marijuana Plants a couple weeks later. At the same Medical Marijuana grow that is legal under California legislature and operates under the bylaws of Proposition 215 and 420 meaning they grow under 6 mature adult and 6 immature plant

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NY1 Coverage of Council Member Wills’ Ban on Synthetic Marijuana Press Conference


March 12, 2012


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Russell Barth Hosting CKCU – Nov. 23, 2011 – Part 7 of 10


November 27, 2011


On Nov. 23, 2011, CKCU let me produce a show for three hours with DJ tic. One guest in Toronto didn’t answer his phone because he was sick. There was a fire alarm. The other guest couldn’t come because of snow, but called in. But we got through, an

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Russell Barth Hosting CKCU – Nov. 23, 2011 – Part 8 of 10


November 27, 2011


On Nov. 23, 2011, CKCU let me produce a show for three hours with DJ tic. One guest in Toronto didn’t answer his phone because he was sick. There was a fire alarm. The other guest couldn’t come because of snow, but called in. But we got through, an

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Russell Barth Hosting CKCU – Nov. 23, 2011 – Part 9 of 10


November 27, 2011


On Nov. 23, 2011, CKCU let me produce a show for three hours with DJ tic. One guest in Toronto didn’t answer his phone because he was sick. There was a fire alarm. The other guest couldn’t come because of snow, but called in. But we got through, an

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Russell Barth Hosting CKCU – Nov. 23, 2011 – Part 10 of 10


November 27, 2011


On Nov. 23, 2011, CKCU let me produce a show for three hours with DJ tic. One guest in Toronto didn’t answer his phone because he was sick. There was a fire alarm. The other guest couldn’t come because of snow, but called in. But we got through, an

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Medical Marijuana Plants II


September 17, 2011


These are the same Medical Marijuana Plants a couple weeks later. At the same Medical Marijuana grow that is legal under California legislature and operates under the bylaws of Proposition 215 and 420 meaning they grow under 6 mature adult and 6 immature plant

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Medical Marijuana Plants III


September 17, 2011


These are the same Medical Marijuana Plants a couple weeks later. At the same Medical Marijuana grow that is legal under California legislature and operates under the bylaws of Proposition 215 and 420 meaning they grow under 6 mature adult and 6 immature plant

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Marijuana Grow Tube