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I wanted to get some closeups of the Jack Flash; both the bud, and the post-grinder version. I also wanted to thank people for their contribution; Ronnie (sorry for calling you Ronald), Brett, and Jacob for their contribution to the Balloon Expedition / Dog Re – If you think marijuana should be legalized click the link now to vote!
First of all i dont know why i called them guys haha. My ladies are now two and a half months old. I put them in flower cause they were growing slow I think due to the low amounts of nutrients. Now I know for next time. If any one has suggestions please leave
– Tavullia (PU) – Sequestrata un’intera piantagione di marijuana nel tardo pomeriggio di mercoledì alle porte di Tavullia, nel Pesarese. Il proprietario, un 28enne di Cattolica già pedinato dai militari, è stato sorpreso dagli uomini della
Sequestro di Marijuana a Tavullia Sequestrate 75 piante di Marijuana a Tavullia: arrestato 28enne Una vera e propria piantagione di marijuana è stata scoperta dai militari del Comando Provinciale della Guardia di Finanza di Rimini, nell’ambito della cos
Day 46 of vegging. Due to a security breach, I am not going to be able to keep my vids up for more than 24 hrs. Medicine Man Lyrics We were growing weed in Nor-Cal Making lil money, raising the morale It’s a weed thing, it’s a green thing But there’s a “Who the fuck are you to mess with the machine?” thing. Growing, It̵
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