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Tag: god

First Contact Radio 10/17/11


October 17, 2011


First Contact Radio 10/17/11 Show # 516 Daily 13 moon calendar, Cosmic News with Dirk Bradshaw, UFO News, Ron Paul, Elenin update, California doctors fight back for Medical Marijuana in California, Anonymous, closing prayer and meditation CopyrightDisclaimer U

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Salvia Divinorum Experience (My Trip)


October 15, 2011


Video Created October 15, 2011 1:09AM Hi all, I wanted to share with everyone of all ages that if you find it hard to astral project, don’t understand what people mean when we say we are one and together we are GOD, how mother earth is a live entity, how

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First Contact Radio 10/14/11


October 14, 2011


First Contact Radio 10/14/11 Show # 515 Daily 13 moon calendar, Native American wisdom, UFO News, Occupy Wall Street update, Elenin, Medical Marijuana in California under attack by stoner Obama aka Barry Soetorro, closing prayer and meditation CopyrightDisclai

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THE FILTER Prisons, Weed, Guns & God Bless You.wmv


October 8, 2011


Cameron Turner debates the issues of the day on KNBC’s “The Filter with Fred Roggin” — (1) California’s prison transfer plan, (2) gun laws & medical marijuana, and(3) the teacher who (reportedly) banned “God bless you&#

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Greatest Salvia Trip (Rare Footage)


August 22, 2011


My homie TRIPPIN’ OUT on salvia. Funniest trip I”ve seen since that guy jumped out the window.

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The Craziest Quick Happy Freakout EVER!!!!


July 19, 2011


This is the link to the audio i was listening to My sisters recorded me going berko to the ‘Quick Happy’ audio drug by iDoser. By the way this is not fake, i would not go too all the trouble of hurting my voice and keeping my whole family up at 10

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Pill Popping Nation? America’s Growing Addiction


July 19, 2011


With pain killers becoming the second most abused drug behind marijuana, ‘drug store’ robberies are up 81 percent, a problem that mirrors America’s growing drug addiction.

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Diane Goldstein – Help Me End Marijuana Prohibition


May 19, 2011


HELP ME END MARIJUANA PROHIBITION! my name is Diane Goldstein. I’m a mom and former police officer, I wanted to take a minute to tell you about how I’ve come to realize that marijuana prohibition is an unwise fiscal policy and makes our communities

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Tracey – Multiple Sclerosis and Medical Marijuana


May 1, 2011


Tracy has suffered from Multiple Sclerosis for over 35 years and has discovered that medical marijuana is the only thing that lifts the physical pain and mental stress while maintaining a presence with those around her.

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Fibromyalgia-Arthritis-Lyrica – Medical Marijuana-Pain Talking about it all getting personal


April 9, 2011


(I made this video about 4 days ago-couldnt get it uploaded until now) My life as I live it daily..what a car accident can you struggle to over come..learning to avoid things that make life worse- Hip pain is horrible! My bad days are very slow days

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Marijuana Grow Tube