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Tag: class

Expelled from London 2012: US judoka Nick Delpopolo tests positive for marijuana


August 7, 2012


US judo fighter Nick Delpopolo has been expelled from the Olympics after testing positive for marijuana he said he ate accidentally. Report by Sophie Foster. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at . Subscribe to ITN News!

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Marijuana Milk Shake Shot Drink Recipe


May 24, 2012


Marijuana Milk Shake shot cocktail that is sure to get you going. Impress you friends with this sexyl drink recipe. Give it a try. From American Bartenders School. Get a great bar kit to make perfect drinks at http

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Student SMOKING Marijuana in Class While Teacher Is At The Desk


March 24, 2012


Where They Do That At? Student Blowin Down In Class While Teacher Is At The Desk!

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AWESOME!!! How To Make Hash oil Master Class Pt 1, MUST SEE!!! marijuana cannabis weed YouTube


September 12, 2011


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Dangerous Effects of Marijuana


August 8, 2011


Project we did for health class on the bad effects of marijuana.

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No More Marijuana In Amsterdam, Naked Condoms Daily Brief – 5.31.11


May 31, 2011


Today on The Daily Brief we took a look at the following topics: Naked Condoms: Amsterdam Laws: Find any interesting stories you want us to feature? Leave a comment and we’ll use them next time! Check out yesterday’s

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Med marijuana hydroponics soil to hydroton journal [wk..2] part one


March 12, 2011


Day 8 transplant from soil to hydroton attempt . Part one of three . My very first grow, and I’m using a home made ebb and flow system . Please comment . Suggestions and knowledge welcome . I live in a medical marijuana state and have a prescription . I&

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Med marijuana hydroponics soil to hydroton journal SUCCESS UPDATE [wk.2] part three


March 12, 2011


Day 11 transplant from soil to hydroton attempt .”SUCCESS UPDATE” Part three of three . My very first grow, and I’m using a home made ebb and flow system . Please comment . Suggestions and knowledge welcome . I live in a medical marijuana sta

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Med marijuana hydroponics soil to hydroton journal [wk.2] part two


March 10, 2011


Day 8 transplant from soil to hydroton attempt . Part two of two . My very first grow, and I’m using a home made ebb and flow system . Please comment . Suggestions and knowledge welcome . I live in a medical marijuana state and have a prescription . I

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Med marijuana hydroponics soil to hydrotron journal [wk.2] part two


March 9, 2011


Day 8 transplant from soil to hydrotron attempt . Part two of two . My very first grow, and I’m using a home made ebb and flow system . Please comment . Suggestions and knowledge welcome . I live in a medical marijuana state and have a prescription . I&#

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Marijuana Grow Tube