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Tag: bubbler

Stonersense: Starting a Grow Room (The First Step)


December 27, 2011


READ DESCRIPTION! Lots of people grow their own weed; an increasingly large percentage of weed is grown at the “closet” level. However, the world of Marijuana growing is not about just throwing a pot seed into the ground and watering it every few d

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Tahoe OG Kush


December 26, 2011


You can now watch in 1080p! I bought this weed from my personal dealer, I bought a qauter worth of weed for 100$, he have me an eight of Tahoe OG Kush and an eight of a different strain which I will tell you later. Name: Tahoe OG Kush Type: Hybrid (Sativa domi

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Codey’s fourth trip on Salvia


December 11, 2011


Salvia has a reverse tolerance, so each time you smoke it, it takes less to get you high. This is why you are supposed to stick with lower potencies for awhile; you will start to trip and it will be safer with a less chance of a bad trip.

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Stonersense: High Cooking Special


December 11, 2011


Today we take a break from the serious Marijuana information and have a high cooking special! When you got the munchies great food ideas just flow out so here’s a couple of my favorites to share with you. I advocate not using the oven too much while bake

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Stonersense: Weed Vs Alcohol


December 7, 2011


Marijuana and liquor dont mix….we know that. But which one of them is really worse? Those who already know the facts wouldnt be surprised by the answer, but for those who dont know, on this episode of Stonersense we break down some of the common sense in

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Marijuana Smoking session Pt.1


November 6, 2011


Me and a friend having a little session with the double perk. Also threw in the Bubbler for the fun of it.

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Rips from Tree Testin Timmy


October 6, 2011


Tree Testin Timmys first video previewing quality glass and herbs. Marijuana and glass reviews for all our ‘Smoke Hunters’ LETS GET HIGH

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New Intro or No Intro?


August 20, 2011


Do i need a intro? if so is this a acceptable intro? **DISCLAIMER I DO NOT OWN NOR MADE THE MUSIC USED IN THE INTRO, ITS FROM A OLD MOVIE CALLED MARIJUANA MAN – ***facebook : ***Twitter :

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Funny Ass Salvia Trip (1/3)


June 3, 2011


First time, crazy as fuck

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Funny Ass Salvia Trip (2/3)


June 3, 2011


Second part….

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Marijuana Grow Tube