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Patient Profiles: Justin Loizos on Multiple Sclerosis and How Cannabis Saved Him


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Patient Profiles: Justin Loizos on Multiple Sclerosis and How Cannabis Saved HimIn this passionate interview Cannabis in Canada interviews Justin Loizos a medical user of cannabis to treat his MS. Justin shares some powerful insight into…

8 comments on “Patient Profiles: Justin Loizos on Multiple Sclerosis and How Cannabis Saved Him

  1. peterpotpie on

    Thank you. I truly believe that this plant can help many people with their
    health problems. We just have to get a corrupt government to change their
    tune. They answer to corporations, not to the people who voted them in.
    My good friend, who has M.S. tells me that cannabis is the only thing that
    keeps him going.

    Legalize & save lives.

  2. Cannabis In Canada on

    This is a must see interview that captures the essence of medicinal
    cannabis patients and the struggles we face on a day to day basis. Justin
    also sets a great example of how to overcome the barriers of a “disability”
    while advancing his “knowledge base” on treating himself with cannabiionide
    treatments .

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