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My Cannabox Cannapack Came!…& Vegas/Wonderland


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My Cannabox Cannapack Came!...& Vegas/WonderlandIn this video I unbox a Cannapack I ordered from The Cannabox. I also talk about my trip to Las Vegas & Alice In Wonderland. Please Like, Subscribe & Comment…

20 comments on “My Cannabox Cannapack Came!…& Vegas/Wonderland

  1. dirtybongwater grows on

    how did i miss this vid, another great review, and sounds like you had a
    great time. cant wait to see your new room. stay safe and stay medicated 

  2. Johnathon Cassidy on

    Hey Jane,
    I was wondering if you were ever planning on doing a video on bongs. I
    think it would be super interesting to see what you personally look for
    when you are purchasing one. Thanks for being awesome.
    ex oh ex oh

  3. Ambient Leif on

    Hey jane! Unfortunately my canna pack was less than desirable but I’m still
    making to my mind about them. I ordered a burn box for next month and I’m
    really excited. Could you do a video on what you would recommend for pretty
    affordable first bongs? I’ve never smoked with one before and am looking at
    medicating this way but don’t want to spend a fortune. Thanks!

  4. Lisa Lamendola on

    your so cooool! I get the cannabox every month and its def worth the money!
    but i still love watching all your videos even though i pretty much already
    know whats inside! LOL keep it up, your such a positive person!

    peace n love

  5. Bree Perry on

    Glad you enjoyed the movies. I just wanna say you make me smile. You bring
    so much joy to the stoner community and I thank you for everything you do.
    Can’t wait till your next video. One ♡. NEVER CHANGE. 

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