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Medical User Demands Justice for Harassment by the York Region Police


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Medical User Demands Justice for Harassment by the York Region PoliceIn this video Jason meets with a medical patient protester who was out front of the MMPR conference. After further discovery Jason learns of particulars and …

8 comments on “Medical User Demands Justice for Harassment by the York Region Police

  1. Shawn Steinman on

    It’s pretty bad when the Police do not know the laws. This guy did nothing
    wrong and shouldn’t be made to feel like he did. He is following the law.
    The Police are not.

  2. FisherManStan88 on

    or this guy could of just not been dumb and not light up at the park…
    like he could of easily medicated before he went in or after he left its
    pretty disrespectful to just light up in the park, im pro cannabis but i do
    understand there are still many many ignorant and uneducated people out
    there who are not comfortable with it because they dont understand so
    smoking out in public and just expecting who ever is around you to
    understand because its medicine just is not realistic, especially when you
    have ear lobes stretched out and look like the stereotypical stoner.. got
    to be able to see both side on this. But i will agree the police or york
    region are Totally in the wrong here and it should of just been dropped
    immediately and told this guy to give his head a good shake before he
    decides to medicate in public again

  3. Cannabis In Canada on

    In this video Jason meets with a medical patient protester who was out
    front of the MMPR conference. After further discovery Jason learns of
    particulars and views the legal medication that Anthony had on his person
    and receipt of purchase.

    Meeting patients who remain in disarray even after fully being legal under
    the present day MMPR is simply wrong. The story needed to be covered so the
    CinC crew went out front to cover this. The more we share our stories the
    more we learn how to fight back in a given situation. 

  4. Jean Ferguson on

    I am a MM patient but don’t think lighting up in a public venue is any more
    acceptable than cigarettes would be. Discretion is key. Vaping a dab is a
    more stealthy approach. I vape to avoid smoking cigarettes as well as
    medically but don’t do it at a table in a restaurant or in a busy park
    area. Mothers who must breastfeed in public don’t usually whip out a breast
    in a Walmart checkout line just because it is legal to do so. I’ve never
    seen a diabetic inject in public. I carry a blood glucose test kit but seek
    privacy when testing because it is nobody’s business but mine. We MM
    patients have to be sensitive to the fact we live in a legal grey area and
    should be discrete for the time being at least, except at events where
    discretion is cast to the winds…like a rally or protest. I prefer to
    consume cannabis extracts and also vape dabs. Still, if MM is legal at the
    provincial level the police are committing a crime by arresting or
    detaining a patient. Only the RCMP have the legal federal right to do this
    at the moment…a situation that MUST change. Provincial and municipal
    police have to get over themselves. They should serve and protect…not
    interfere in areas over which they have no jurisdiction or control…like
    taking medication. It is not against the law to be indiscrete when
    medicating…just publicly inappropriate.This young man should not be
    treated any differently than some frail old man whose need to medicate
    might be more obvious. He should sue for harassment and receive
    compensation. I believe that government should not be in the cannabis
    business. It costs the same whether I buy cannabis off the street or from a
    licensed grower, who are really just dealers in suits who are on the legal
    end of a cash cow. Why is cannabis so expensive? It’s just a plant!! We
    should grow it freely! It’s safer than alcohol and tobacco and
    pharmaceuticals. Many of the flowers and shrubs we grow in our yards are
    highly toxic to animals and humans (I.e. castor bean plants, yew trees,
    tomato stalks, rhubarb leaves and lilies) yet the government is attacking
    herbs with health benefits and has now banned citronella products as a
    natural mosquito defense. They have not yet banned the herbs to grow and
    make our own citronella but that could happen. They are attacking herbal
    remedies to give big pharma a bigger piece of the health product industry.
    Deet is legal…citronella is not. They have more natural health products
    on their to-be-banned list . We should also be protesting this attack on
    our health, our private lives and our herb gardens…which would include

  5. Mike Snelgrove on

    i hope he gets help but its a huge problem, i for one am still in
    possession of my pink paper and will never give it up for reasons like
    this. myself included 11.000$ so far for lawyer and I’m disabled on a fixed
    income but because years ago i bought land legal aid is out of the
    question. bullshit marijuana charges are what police thrive on. i was born
    and raised in Canada and now having been run through the system illegally
    IMO u see how corrupt and flawed it is. Im a Canadian wishing i lived
    anywhere else. btw it was OPP in my case and they purposely almost killed
    my dog by refusing to call animal shelter and forced my dog to stay in a
    camping tent 4×6 in the heat with little water and no food for 24 hours, in
    the woods in the heart of black bear/coyote country I’m lucky to still have
    my dog, and jailed me for 24 hours and refused to supply me with my sleep
    apnia machine which when they searched my home they found and asked what it
    was and before i was in the cell they asked any medical conditions and
    again i told them i need it if I’m going to be here extended period of time
    and blatantly ignored, they could have killed me by neglect.. ahh i hate
    police now… i used to have respect for them but never again

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