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Getting High On Hump Day 7/9/14


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Getting High On Hump Day 7/9/14Getting High On Hump Day 7/9/14 ~ Just a midweek smoke sesh talking about Roswell, aliens,Smokers Choice Monthly, defoliation, BakeWithBree & other randomness. Danks for watching! Please Like,…

13 comments on “Getting High On Hump Day 7/9/14

  1. Jeremy Garcia on

    Tomorrow is 7-10… (01L)
    You should make dabbing video and give a brief description of why this
    particular day in history is so significant. 

  2. BakeWithBree on

    I can’t wait to see your alien! I’d love going to an alien convention! I
    love that you mentioned me and our session! I mentioned it quickly in my
    “high on life and cannabis” video, I’d love another sesh soon! I have some
    sad news, and some positive stuff to chat about too. You weren’t fan
    girling or anything. I loved hearing all about you, and getting to know
    you. No one ever talks to me about anything. Ever. So it’s nice to see what
    someone else would want to say to me. You’re awesome! I do hope I win a
    cannabox, I’m dying for one! I just never win anything lol. Well anyways,
    my past week and weekend was very rough. Had a lupus flair up, relationship
    issues, etc. we’ll chat soon love! Cheers! <3

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