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A bowl with the brother

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This is a follow-up to the last video, where I was talking about the process to get the Support Badge. But Dan called and talked to the Medical Marijuana Enforcement Division in Denver today, and got some good news! It doesn’t look like we’ll need our support boadges, at least right away, to work in a dispensary. State error=winning!

14 comments on “A bowl with the brother

  1. jebidyawillson on

    and their is no pesticides in controlled and tested medical cannabis fucking Idaho anti- pot commercial! unless they are testing the shit they have on our streets, which of course is a mystery to all. . then they say that stuff is strong. . the street stuff is strong!! half the time the Sativa/Indica ratio is a mystery luckily its cured correctly most people would benefit greatly if they were using the right type of medicine. every one i know can benefit from what cannabis can offer. legit

  2. AirForce576 on

    You guys are badass! Have you considered moving down to Boulder? Great place to live and of course very user friendly. But anyways great videos Mark and keep them coming!

  3. jebidyawillson on

    i don’t care if Idaho benefits from cannabis for tax money. They need to listen to the fucking patients and not what they think the morals should be for this state, when their own ignorance is going to end up killing them in the end. . seriously how many old people with pains and arthritis. so many people that would rather be smoking an herb that works pretty much instantly and is said to be 12 x more pain relief than Tylenol and your still able to function on a day to day basis.

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