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Schizophrenia & Marijuana

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Some of my “delusions” and marijuana use link to schizophrenia.

2 comments on “Schizophrenia & Marijuana

  1. IChoseTheRedPill on

    i know some schizophrenics from my group who smoke ALOT of marijuana… they claim it gives them relief from their symptoms… personally i don’t smoke it any more but i do respect others right to do so, especially for medical use… you don’t have anything to worry about, the government is not watching you… try to get some sleep because lack of sleep is as bad as smoking marijuana is…


  2. Thehiddentruths on

    I agree with you, and thank you for sharing. My good friend started smoking when she was around 18 and had the predisposition of schizophrenia and yes i believe too that it triggered it. I know though that it didnt help her though. I fully agree with you. If your feeling paranoid when high then thats not a good sign.

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