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Rudy Eugene: No Bath Salts, Only Marijuana Found In Face-Eater Toxicology Tests

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It wasn’t bath salts. According to a statement on the full toxicology report by the Miami-Dade medical examiner, the only drug detected in the lifeless body of infamous Miami face-chewer Rudy Eugene was marijuana. “The department’s toxicology laboratory has identified the active components of marijuana,” medical examiner Dr. Bruce Hyma said in a statement. “The laboratory has tested for but not detected any other street drugs, alcohol or prescription drugs…This includes cocaine, LSD, amphetami

19 comments on “Rudy Eugene: No Bath Salts, Only Marijuana Found In Face-Eater Toxicology Tests

  1. mcgajvince on

    what people forget is marijuana stays in your system for about a month, maybe even more. while bath salt isn’t even traceable. whats ironic about drug testing is hard drugs like meth, coke, heroin stay in your system for 1-7 days. So people on UA drug test are forced to do harder shit instead of smoke a lil weed. No wonder they found THC in his system, he probably smoked a bowl 3 weeks ago. it doesn’t mean he was stoned when he ate that guys face.


    Could have been Salvia, like if you have psychosis (Not sure how to spell it) Or a certain mental disorder, salvia can release it. He might have had a problem no yet released. And some people smoke Marijuana right after to enhance it, so.. Just a theory

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