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Milky bong hits in HD 3k resolution

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Watch in 3k HD by selecting “Original”. WATCH FULL SCREEN! I wanted to show off our bong by doing some close up bong hits. I made one of our bong hits slow motion. We put the bong on the table and smoked so that you could watch the smoke. I like that this bong is clear, so that when it’s clean you can see the smoke. I have Follow me on Twitter to get updates about my channel. Thanks for watching Please leave comments. Don’t forget to thumbs up, and favorite. We are both Medical Marij

15 comments on “Milky bong hits in HD 3k resolution

  1. Jakee3891 on

    hey try buying a glass cleaner like formula 420, the rubbing alcohol weakens the glass over time, ive had a few thick pieces just break from me shaking them(after using alcohol for a long time). its about $10 a bottle and it works REALLY nice!! ill buy it again and again still on my first bottle after a year

  2. Thesamofsam on

    table salt works just as well as the stuff you guys use me thinks, I’ve always used it to clean pieces and it works like a charm. I like your guys videos a lot, keep up the good work!

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