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Happy New Years East Cost & The Rest of the World :) !

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me smoking a bowl of some bubba kush marijuana from bccp ! CHEERS EVERYONE HAVE A GREAT NEW YEAR DONT DRINK A LOT ^^

20 comments on “Happy New Years East Cost & The Rest of the World :) !

  1. BekimUnikkatilPS33 on

    So i was just getting ready for a smoke session to try this maui waui and took first hit and i had to take a shit !! Fuck man im on the toilet right now lmfao

  2. patarfuyfuy on

    i spent my new years in a ditch in the pouring rain cause of alcohol. I wish i would have just smoked a bunch instead. worst part was that i had weed but i drank 3 colt 45s instead

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