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California vs. The Feds_ Obama’s DOJ Cracks Down on Medical Marijuana

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5 comments on “California vs. The Feds_ Obama’s DOJ Cracks Down on Medical Marijuana

  1. XBOYZ45 on

    If any of you feds that are against MMJ are watching this , I’d like to personally say FUCK YOU . You all are pieces of shit , you have NO right to feel like a real man , you are SCUM . You think you’re hot shit sitting there in that chair wearing a suit , well guess what I live a better life than you . I get more bitches and smoke CANNABIS . It all comes down to money and bitch I;m AWAKE , I know stuff about you feds that you wouldnt want all of us to know .

    *Legalize It* “Just Say NOW”


  2. legaliseall on

    Lets not worry about corrupt politicians or bankers destroying the country, lets stop sick people from getting their medicine. That should sort the countries problems out, USA is a joke

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