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Amendment 64 UCCS Debate ‘Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol’ Brian Vicente & Sheriff Terry Maketa


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Amendment 64 UCCS Debate 'Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol' Brian Vicente & Sheriff Terry MaketaBrian Vicente and Sheriff Terry Maketa debate impacts of Amendment 64 at UCCS. Brian Vicente, Esq., is a founding member of Vicente Consulting, LLC, and supports A64. Terry Maketa is our current El Paso County Sheriff and supports medical marijuana but is opposed to A64. A64 may pass. Could A64 open the doors to recreational marijuana in Colorado? Could A64 also open the doors to more federal raids on medical and recreational marijuana in Colorado? “The medical marijuana issue is rife with Ninth

1 comments on “Amendment 64 UCCS Debate ‘Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol’ Brian Vicente & Sheriff Terry Maketa

  1. Green Cross on

    sorry for the low audio and breaks. my mobile unit kept rebooting during the shoot. but we only lost about 5 min of talk time. good debate. thanks, UCCS and YAL.

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