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2 Fmr US Attorneys & Fmr Head Of FBI In Seattle On The Failure Of Marijuana Prohibition pt.2

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March 25, 2012 KING 5 News

20 comments on “2 Fmr US Attorneys & Fmr Head Of FBI In Seattle On The Failure Of Marijuana Prohibition pt.2

  1. DackIsBack on

    Funding the drug cartel? LOL- Only really poor people and mexicans smoke cartel dirt weed.

    Most weed is sold in the state it’s grown in, usually by someone trying to make a little money on the side who started out growing it for themselves.

  2. DackIsBack on

    And law enforcement… they can seize everything you own including your house and car based on a drug conviction.

    DEA scum get rich by seizing the assets of drug dealers – they wait ’till dealers get rich and buy a big house and car then raid them lol.

  3. BMansRevolt on

    Federal Law does not trump state law, except in the mind of the ignorant. Prohibition is a cash cow for several industries (which use the revolving door for the ones who defend it the most). Gil Kerlikowske has a mandate to say what he says or lose his job, but that doesn’t mean he is correct.

    The tax issue is a red herring and a money maker, within itself.

    Even if they continue to keep “some laws” punishable, how could anyone grow their own and not be tried when the crop comes in?


  4. xdir on

    Off course taxing Marijuana won’t cover the cost of rehab, but the money saved from decriminalizing and the emptying of jails of current drug offenders will.

  5. xX4monX4m4rthXx on

    i heard about a guy getting shot at a bar over a girl and a spilled shot… never heard of a duder getting shot at a pipeshop or a seed bank, well…. maybe they got one hell of a shotgun… thats a different toke all together…

  6. FSFchannel on

    sure if you don’t care about the facts. The program was very small, the number of weapons just doesn’t square with how many weapons are imported.

  7. bamboo4tameshigiri on

    Drugs do not cause organized crime and gang violence. Prohibition does. Every time one of these moronic fascist pigs says “oh think of the chiiiiiildren” or “but alllll the viiiiiolence” I fucking laugh at their ignorant faces. Two words for you piggy: Al Capone. Without prohibition Capone would have just been a bar tender and you can’t get into a bar under the age of 18 and can’t get a drink unless you’re 21.

  8. chewycandy666 on

    If they legalize drugs the federal government will lose their control on the monopoly they have enjoyed.The DEA,FBI,CIA are all major factors in drug dealing.They make politicians alot of money with bribes.They provide additional money for the black ops we never hear about that the for mentioned gov agencies run.Things like,the shipping of the drugs, starting the Arab spring,paying assasins(OSG’s),funding candidates and rigging elections,the list is endless.Gov is terrorists and drug dealers.

  9. CivilRights4Olympia on

    Actually its the presumption and assumption that you need to contract away your Unalienable Rights for permission from a legal fiction to do that which God has endowed you to do already,cause gang violence in reaction to coercively obtained obligations to Statutes,peace

  10. dreamfaeiry on

    5% of all deaths from diseases of the circulatory system…
    15% of all deaths from diseases of the respiratory system …
    30% of all deaths from accidents caused by fire and flames…
    30% of all accidental drownings …
    30% of all suicides …
    40% of all deaths due to accidental falls …
    45% of all deaths in automobile accidents…
    60% of all homicides… ARE ATTRIBUTED TO ALCOHOL!!! These %’s wouldnt exist if it was marijuana, instead of alcohol!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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