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National Geographic Marijuana Gold Rush – (Part 1 of 3)


February 10, 2012


Synopsis: Is marijuana the next big emerging industry? Despite the fact that it remains illegal under federal law and in 35 states, the new generation of “ganja-preneurs” are no longer hiding in the shadows. EPISODES writing successful British tele

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National Geographic Marijuana Gold Rush – (Part 2 of 3)


February 10, 2012


Synopsis: Is marijuana the next big emerging industry? Despite the fact that it remains illegal under federal law and in 35 states, the new generation of “ganja-preneurs” are no longer hiding in the shadows. EPISODES writing successful British tele

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LibertateaTV – Marijuana la pahar


January 12, 2012


Un tânăr din capitală în vârstă de 22 de ani, a fost prins cu marijuana-n sac, atunci când vroia să o comercializeze. Conform Serviciului de presă al MAI, acesta era vânat pe parcursul a 6 luni de către colaboratorii Direcției Antidrog. Tânărul &

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Ron Paul Bhangs Truth About Marijuana, Pot, Trees, Weed, Cannabis, and legalization


January 11, 2012

461 This Video shows the “Bhang” Truth About Marijuana, Pot, Trees, Cannabis, and legalization of weed! See just what Ron Paul, Joe Rogan and others thing about Marijuana! What is Bhang! If you’ve ever had a night where you just

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Eugene Cannabis TV #368 – ectv.368.102710


December 31, 2011


October 27, 2010. Rev. Will I. Am and DanK discuss Oregon Measure 74, government grabs cardholder program funds, the Rev demonstrates a Personal Medication Station. “Medical Marijuana” with Drew Carey.

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Eugene Cannabis TV #394 – ectv.394.051111


December 25, 2011


May 11, 2011. Includes information about the Global Marijuana March and a clip of Dr. Phil Leveque answering questions about medical cannabis.

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Eugene Cannabis TV #396 – ectv.396.052511


December 25, 2011


May 25, 2011. DanK reads an Op/Ed piece by attorney Brian Michaels. Includes video from the Global Marijuana March in Portland.

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Eugene Cannabis TV #397 – ectv.397.060111


December 25, 2011


June 1, 2011. Undercover Narcotics Officer says legalize marijuana, Oregon medical marijuana bud review, DanK tells it like it is.

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Eugene Cannabis TV #393 – ectv.393.050411


December 25, 2011


May 4, 2011. Coverage of OCTA 2012, KOIN-TV6 interview with Dan de Groodt of MedMar Clinic, AMA’s changing views on Medical Marijuana.

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Mr. Boss & Dominic feat. Marijuana & Calu-Drumul spre succes (BAH TV Matinal show)


December 24, 2011


Mr. Boss & Dominic feat. Marijuana & Calu-Drumul spre succes (BAH TV Matinal show)

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Marijuana Grow Tube