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Tag: toxicology

Rudy Eugene: No Bath Salts, Only Marijuana Found In Face-Eater Toxicology Tests


June 30, 2012


It wasn’t bath salts. According to a statement on the full toxicology report by the Miami-Dade medical examiner, the only drug detected in the lifeless body of infamous Miami face-chewer Rudy Eugene was marijuana. “The department’s toxicology

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MIAMI ZOMBIE Toxicology Report / NO BATH SALTS Found in Rudy Eugene’s Body


June 28, 2012


.. Lab results show that marijuana was the only drug in the system of Rudy Eugene, who attacked and chewed the face off a homeless man last month. The Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner said in a news release on Wednesday, that the toxicology detected marijuan

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Rudy Eugene Was Carrying Bible, Had Smoked Marijuana Before Face-Eating Attack watch full video


June 8, 2012

557 Rudy Eugene shed all his clothes before chewing off most of a homeless man’s face, but according to a new report from CBS Miami he was still carrying his Bible. A senior law enforcement official told CBS the book was found with several p

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Marijuana Grow Tube