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Tag: systems

Indoor Marijuana Growing Using The Tomato Grow Tent


August 27, 2012


For more information, visit: This is the soil version of the Tomato Grow Tent. I has 8 pots to grow your weed. It also has an automatic watering system that can be scheduled for automatic feeding of your marijuana plants. This weed grow tent also has a 400 wat

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Growing Weed With The Mortgage Lifter Grow Tent


August 22, 2012


For more information, visit: This weed grow tent have 35 plant sites to put your marijuana plants in. Each of the 35 site has an oxygenation and a water circuit. The lighting system on this set up has 3 400-watt lights. The lights are attached to chains so tha

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Mini Mortgage Lifter Grow Tent For Growing Weed Indoors


August 17, 2012


For more information, visit: This is the soil version of the Mini Mortgage Lifter. It has 16 pant pots for growing your favorite Marijuana strain. Each of the pots is watered automatically by the included watering system. It also includes an ozone generator, 6

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Indoor Marijuana Gardening With Hydroponics Super Locker For Home Weed Growing


July 4, 2012


For more information, visit: Growing Marijuana Indoors is made easy for beginners with this Air-Tight, Light-Tight and Fully Automated Cabinet. This is one of the easiest grow box with its plug and grow technology. Its carbon filter ensures that no odor with c

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Indoor Weed Grow Tent For Growing Marijuana At Home


July 4, 2012


For more information, visit: This is a demonstration of an indoor weed grow tent. As you can see this system is very friendly for beginner marijuana growers. The lights are hanged in a way that it can be easily adjusted as the weed grows taller. This system ri

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Hydroponic Marijuana Growing Cabinets for Indoor Weed Cultivation


June 28, 2012


For more information, visit: Growing weed indoors using the hydroponic system can be easier with the help of these 2 growing cabinets. The Mini File and the Super File answers the needs of home growers who wish to grow cannabis discreetly in their homes.

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Indoor Marijuana Hydroponic System For Easy Weed Cultivation


June 27, 2012


For more information, visit: An indoor marijuana growing facility is a dream of weed growers today. Add in to that useful functions and ease of use and you’ve got the perfect indoor weed growing system everyone wishes they have. These hydroponic cabinets

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Grow Locker Cabinet For Growing Weed In A Growbox


June 27, 2012


For more information, visit: Marijuana locker cabinets are a popular choice for growing weed indoors. They come in a variety of functions and sizes to fit your growing needs. A marijuana growbox makes it easier for beginners to successfully and efficiently gro

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Weed Growing System For Hydropnic Marijuana Growing – Weed Growing Equipment


June 26, 2012


For more information, visit: The High Times Marijuana Magazine has named this hydroponic weed growing system as one of the best in the market. It is a sleek infra-cool locking cabinet, plug and grow, 40% bigger and faster and has anti-mold reflective panels.Th

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Marijuana Hydroponics Weed Grow Box – Weed Growing Equipment


June 26, 2012


For more information, visit: This Marijuana grow box is hailed as the most productive all-in-one cabinet. Its air-tight and light-tight. It looks clean and sleek with 3 lock doors. It has 600 HPS on light mover, insuring double yields wiht perfect light covera

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Marijuana Grow Tube