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Tag: same

Lynn Cullen Live 7/9/12


July 9, 2012


Pirates pride; Obits: Ernest Borgnine, actor & Dr. Gabriel Nahas, marijuana demonizer; Congressman Barney Frank married boyfriend last weekend; record breaking high temperatures being set this summer; carnivorous plants; microscopic fly larvae eats ants f

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Dr.Ron Paul and Mitt Romney Both Speak To Same Dying Medical Marijuana Patient


March 9, 2012


Who would you want to be your doctor? O yeah look at the Big Pharma money smile on Mitt Romney face when the patient said how many diff. medications he is taking…

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Story Time: Salvia Trip (E2)


August 5, 2011


This is another installment of “Story Time” comment,like,favorite,subscribe,Get my name out there guys:D

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Damian Ki for 2012


July 30, 2011


This is of course a fictitious ad for a 2012 Presidential Candidate. However the political ideals and such are ones that I hold dear to my heart and mind. I believe that Same Sex Marriage should be legal all across the world. Love is love no matter the gender

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Stop The Ban on Medicinal Cannabis:UCLA claims Marijuana is a medicine


March 17, 2011


Patients NEED your help. A letter writing campaign has been established. Patients need safe access to prescription drugs. Medical marijuana is a medicine. And a safer alternative than other medicines available to patients then the pharmaceutical drugs prescrib

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Marijuana Grow Tube