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Visit Us at These seeds are some of the best cannabis seeds for medical weed with regards to growing them indoors. The smallest Aussie Blues plants can be about 70 cm in height while the tallest will be just…
Free the Weed. A clip from my film “Nimbin Marijuana MardiGrass”, which will be ready around November beginning of December.
May 21 2012 – 300 marijuana advocates rallied on the steps of the Capitol in California and met with each of the 120 legislative offices to lobby for the passage of AB2312 and SB1182. Among the hundreds of rally-goers were Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, United
A federal government crackdown on states’ rights and chemotherapy patients.
Make shift bong Ftw 🙂 Watch on for accounts of what was going on in his head. Sorry for the loudness and irritation of my voice. Was trying to encourage response for him. Interesting experience all in all. I did not trip as Hallucinating things that arnR
Mexico Decriminalizes Simple Possession of drugs, the allowable quantities of marijuana is 5 grams. If a user is caught with more than the allowable quantity in his or her possession, strict penalties have been introduced. Just a pleasant sunny day at the beac
Alcohol prohibition was ended when people showed up in support of defendants and juries began to refuse to convict them. On that note I would like to say that in my opinion this ASA group to which I was so allegiant to for 3 years prior to my arrest never disc
ASA as it calls itself is a marijuana mafia, a wolf in sheeps clothing which will use death threats, intimidation, smear campaigns, harassment, false copyright complaints, computer hacking and anything else to achieve exclusive rights to sell in your city. For
medical marijuana/cannabis rally Sacramento Federal Courthouse
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