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Tag: rock

Hillarious Dope Fiend On Salvia Trip 2nd Hit


March 17, 2011


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Hillarious Dope Fiend On Salvia Trip 3rd Hit


March 17, 2011


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San Francisco’s 6th Annual Cannabis Day (2005) Pt4/4


March 15, 2011


Part 1 Here: This video contains music and guest speakers from the San Fancisco Cannabis Day festival. Musicians for Medical Marijuana was the headlining band, with Bay Area all-stars including Alphabet Soup and members of the Sons of Champlin. The event also

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Med marijuana hydroponics soil to hydroton journal SUCCESS UPDATE [wk.2] part three


March 12, 2011


Day 11 transplant from soil to hydroton attempt .”SUCCESS UPDATE” Part three of three . My very first grow, and I’m using a home made ebb and flow system . Please comment . Suggestions and knowledge welcome . I live in a medical marijuana sta

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Med marijuana hydroponics soil to hydroton journal [wk.2] part two


March 10, 2011


Day 8 transplant from soil to hydroton attempt . Part two of two . My very first grow, and I’m using a home made ebb and flow system . Please comment . Suggestions and knowledge welcome . I live in a medical marijuana state and have a prescription . I

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Med marijuana hydroponics soil to hydrotron journal [wk.2] part two


March 9, 2011


Day 8 transplant from soil to hydrotron attempt . Part two of two . My very first grow, and I’m using a home made ebb and flow system . Please comment . Suggestions and knowledge welcome . I live in a medical marijuana state and have a prescription . I&#

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Marijuana Grow Tube