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Tag: pill

Crazy 80X Salvia Trip!!! Best One On YOUTUBE ((LEAKED))


June 17, 2012


Crazy 80X Salvia Trip!!! Best One On YOUTUBE ((LEAKED))

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Crazy 80X Salvia Trip!!! Best One On YOUTUBE (New 2012 Video) **GOOD MUSIC**


June 16, 2012


Crazy 80X Salvia Trip!!! Best One On YOUTUBE (New 2012 Video) **GOOD MUSIC** Crazy 80X Salvia Trip!!! Best One On YOUTUBE (New 2012 Video) **GOOD MUSIC** Crazy 80X Salvia Trip!!! Best One On YOUTUBE (New 2012 Video) **GOOD MUSIC**

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Potheads and the Pretentious Pompous Pricks who are Prejudice Against Them: A BITCH RANT!


March 21, 2012


Funny how some of the pricks who judge potheads the worst have taken or are currently on psych meds! Never mind marijuana has cannabinoids which your own endocrine system happens to create naturally, responsible for a sense of well being! And nobody ever died

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Pill Popping Nation? America’s Growing Addiction


July 19, 2011


With pain killers becoming the second most abused drug behind marijuana, ‘drug store’ robberies are up 81 percent, a problem that mirrors America’s growing drug addiction.

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Marijuana Grow Tube