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Tag: penalty

Why Joe Biden needs to blurt out a defense of pot!


May 25, 2012


Interestingly, the same percentage of Americans who favor marriage equality also favor legalizing medical marijuana. Oh, and Vice President Biden? If you want to step into this and blurt out some words in defense of medical marijuana? Now would be a GREAT time

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Newt Gingrich Proposed The Death Penalty For Possession Of Marijuana.mp4


January 21, 2012


Newt is insane people!!!!!

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Gary Johnson -In 1997 Newt Gingrich Proposed The Death Penalty For Possession Of Marijuana


January 21, 2012


Presstitute have no word about Ron Paul

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14 year old Bali drug charges to face court on tuesday! and other news


October 26, 2011


igotscamed1 reports on the story that is rocking Australia, of a yr 9 student who is facing charges adding up to over 15 years jail time in Bali, over purchasing a small amount of marijuana. Also “choking game” kills a 15 yr old.

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Marijuana Grow Tube