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Song by Cypress Hill- Hits from the Bong “I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is a flower. God put it here…” — Willie Nelson
3 strain medical marijuana wake and bake with a 24 ounce tecate chug!
Taking 4 bong rips of 4 strains of medical marijuana to start the day! Cheers!
Kid cudi – get it in (marijuana mixtape)
Yes ladies and gentlemen I was unsatisfied with what I had to say the last time around so this is just a further analysis of how not only Ontario, not only Canada, but the whole freaking world should handle cannabis. Now to post some more articles to make this
We tour one of the largest medical marijuana growing facilities in Arizona.
Un grup de pensionari din cartier a scandat vehement ca vor legalizarea Ioanei Maria in aceste vremuri de penurie totala. Ei si-au justificat doleanta prin faptul ca Marijuana ii ajuta sa gandeasca pozitiv si sa vada viata asta cruda mai detasat. Reporterul Ma
Far left front and back are diamond og. The rest are power purple.
De ani de zile oameni destupati la minte din toata lumea cer legalizarea ierbii adevarate, Kush, Dro, Ioana Maria, Marijuana, Mary Jane sau cum io mai spune baietii relaxati…Acum avem si noi un roman adevarat, pensionar de meserie care ne uimeste cu sinc
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