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First time salvia hit, omg demons taking him down. The camera would flip him out, so kinda why not the greatest views, but sound effects will make up for it
Bren gets fcked up on salvia lol
Bren gets fcked up on salvia lol
Hilarious first time trip! Kid Tripping HARD on 1 hit of Salvia. Blue Level Infinity Lmfao
This was my first time trying to smoke a cigarette. I was left home alone, a pack of cigarettes in the garage with a curious mind of boredom. I tried to smoke a cigarette like I do marijuana, and nearly died! -I hate cigarettes!
This dude clearly took the wrong route, or maybe that’s just how he rolls. I’m guessing he just finished up treating a marijuana field…or inhaled too much of the chemicals he laid down.
Make shift bong Ftw 🙂 Watch on for accounts of what was going on in his head. Sorry for the loudness and irritation of my voice. Was trying to encourage response for him. Interesting experience all in all. I did not trip as Hallucinating things that arnR
Enjoy 🙂 – Please visit
Russian reporter dies laughing reporting about 13 bears, a dog, vietnamese pig and the raccoon protecting the marijuana field!
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