Tag: legislature

Fat Outdoor Medical Marijuana Plants


June 9, 2012


These are the same Medical Marijuana Plants a couple weeks later. At the same Medical Marijuana grow that is legal under California legislature and operates under the bylaws of Proposition 215 and 420 meaning they grow under 6 mature adult and 6 immature plant

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Bask in the Sanity and Righteous Frustration


April 11, 2012


Selected testimony from Rep Jenn Coffey, and NH Common Sense founder and current Marijuana Policy Project Legislative Analyst (and NH resident, jbtw) Matt Simon on SB409, “relative to the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes,” before the House H

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Medical Marijuana Plants II


September 17, 2011


These are the same Medical Marijuana Plants a couple weeks later. At the same Medical Marijuana grow that is legal under California legislature and operates under the bylaws of Proposition 215 and 420 meaning they grow under 6 mature adult and 6 immature plant

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Medical Marijuana Plants III


September 17, 2011


These are the same Medical Marijuana Plants a couple weeks later. At the same Medical Marijuana grow that is legal under California legislature and operates under the bylaws of Proposition 215 and 420 meaning they grow under 6 mature adult and 6 immature plant

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Marijuana Grow Tube