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Quick Excerpt from a PBS special on Michael Pollan’s The Botany of Desire. On the capriciousness of the drug laws, the insanity of the War on Drugs, and why Marijuana, Opium, etc should be and were legal until recently in human history. Andrew Weil., Dav
Un grup de pensionari din cartier a scandat vehement ca vor legalizarea Ioanei Maria in aceste vremuri de penurie totala. Ei si-au justificat doleanta prin faptul ca Marijuana ii ajuta sa gandeasca pozitiv si sa vada viata asta cruda mai detasat. Reporterul Ma
This is a completely legal grow, I do not condone growing without a medical marijuana card! (prop 215) This video is a update on the grow so far. For the two plants up front they are 12 and 13 days old, and the other seedlings in the middle and two back pots a
Prop 215 protects me for smoking legal medical marijuana in the state of CA. In this video I showcase a strain called grapefruit as I roll a joint and thank all my video viewers and subscribers for helping me reach 1000 video views. I also discuss a little bit
De ani de zile oameni destupati la minte din toata lumea cer legalizarea ierbii adevarate, Kush, Dro, Ioana Maria, Marijuana, Mary Jane sau cum io mai spune baietii relaxati…Acum avem si noi un roman adevarat, pensionar de meserie care ne uimeste cu sinc
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