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So, just to clear things up with hand holding. No, I’m not gay. In my trip, I saw my friends hand made out of little hims. They were all little hims, connected forming a big him. So I grabbed his hand and it was falling apart, into a yellow highway. Look
Make shift bong Ftw 🙂 Watch on for accounts of what was going on in his head. Sorry for the loudness and irritation of my voice. Was trying to encourage response for him. Interesting experience all in all. I did not trip as Hallucinating things that arnR
Trolling with a mate HAHAHA 😀 i wanna ask a mod when they put marijuana to farming!
We got some 80x purple sticky from a local headshop… video explains the rest… and no he did not spill water out of the bong…which blew my fucking mind
This is the link to the audio i was listening to My sisters recorded me going berko to the ‘Quick Happy’ audio drug by iDoser. By the way this is not fake, i would not go too all the trouble of hurting my voice and keeping my whole family up at 10
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