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Temporary flower room i built for my herming plants. 200 watt cfl grow room for one plant first grow ever week 4 into flower stage listening to some mexican dubstep reggae 🙂
Originally released on March 9th, 2001. Marijuana Man talks seed strains and samples the finished product. Prof. Ziggy talks to Tripper about his revolutionary bubble-bags and the whole water hash making process.
Reporting from secret farms and not-so-secret grow houses of marijuana cultivators, Lisa Ling goes into their world where marijuana is not just a drug but a way of life.
1wk old plants and 1month old plants
this is my first grow its only one plant from bag of seed i have two cfls tha work on 21 watt each one equilevant from each is 120watt other one is 18 watt equilevant 75 and last one is red spectrum tha is 20 watt equilevant 100 85 watts=equilevant 415watt ple
How To Grow Marijuana Indoors How To Grow Marijuana Indoors How To Grow Marijuana Indoors How To Grow Marijuana Indoors How To Grow Marijuana Indoors How To Grow Marijuana Indoors How To Grow Marijuana Indoors How To Grow Marijuana Indoors How To Grow Marijuan
– Ep 192 is here in full 720p 🙂 – thumbs Up ^^ -audio is Too Much and My Life by Eric Sosa ( ) – the smell and taste is dank really earthy and spicy with heavy sweet undertones of purple and numbing hash :):):) g
grow room here it is suggestions are welcome.
kolasativa42’s Webcam Video from March 24, 2012 06:41 AM
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