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Tag: english

Salvia is a bitch Tripping Balls “The Council Won’t Let Me Past”


January 6, 2012


Make shift bong Ftw 🙂 Watch on for accounts of what was going on in his head. Sorry for the loudness and irritation of my voice. Was trying to encourage response for him. Interesting experience all in all. I did not trip as Hallucinating things that arnR

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chris tripping on salvia


August 18, 2011


yepp.. he wasnt even saying real words, so i tried to copy him, which made me sound retarded cuz i was coming off my trip so i was just like nedjwiqh and he was all like fnejiw, but hes the retarded one, cuz he made no sense, hence why i kept saying ”wha

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Marijuana legalization


February 20, 2011


Some words on marijuana legalization. This issue has bothered me since I smoked it the first time. Why people can smoke all kinds of plants without fearing empresionment but who smoke marijuana must always run from police…?

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Marijuana Grow Tube