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Tag: downtown

Unlicensed Marijuana Stores Grow Like Weeds in LA

August 22, 2015


In some parts of California, law enforcement officials have aggressively pushed back against unlicensed marijuana stores, raiding growers and dispensaries in a never-ending effort to control the industry.However, according to a recent UCLA study…

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Marijuana Farmer (Rofl)


January 20, 2012


This dude clearly took the wrong route, or maybe that’s just how he rolls. I’m guessing he just finished up treating a marijuana field…or inhaled too much of the chemicals he laid down.

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420 SMOKE OUT: Toronto Hash Mob Freedom Fest & GMM promotional 2011


May 4, 2011


04/20/2011 — 420 SMOKE OUT at Yonge-Dundas Square featuring event highlights and post-rally words with Maddchronic of Toronto Hashmob, his thoughts on the monumental decision R v. Mernagh, Canada’s medical marihuana laws ruled unconstitutional, �

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Marijuana Grow Tube