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Tag: democrats

Stocks drop as Investors grow rattled by shutdown


October 15, 2013


IMF fears a global recession. Americans take the Nobel Prize in economics. JPMorgan sees its first loss in 9 years. New sensors in cars lower collision rates.

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Ron Paul Schools Stephen Baldwin About Marijuana Legalization On CNN


April 17, 2012


Ron Paul Debates Stephen Baldwin About Marijuana Legalization On CNN Show: Larry King Live Host: Joy Behar Date: 3/13/2009 FBI — WARNING — Federal law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video

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Introducing Steven Stairs: Legal Grower


February 22, 2012


Steven Stairs is a licensed medical marijuana grower with Health Canada. He is authorized to grow and possess quantities of marijuana for sale to medical marijuana patients. This is not an admission of guilt or evidence of a crime.

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Ron Paul is bigger than Oprah, THC Show


January 1, 2012


Mike Cann loses it, goes off on the significance of the campaign of Ron Paul for the marijuana legalization movement. With voices of reason, Valerie and Michael “KOP, King of Pot” Malta, John Loftus, and Mike Newman. http faceboo

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Marijuana Grow Tube